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Runners Safety & Our [must have] Gear/Protection

Writer: stridesforstrengthstridesforstrength

It's that time of year where it's dark in the mornings, AND its dark early in the evening, so if you aren't one of those people who are lucky enough to be able to run at a time of day that feels a tiny bit more safe, this is for you!

In a perfect world we would all be able go to outside, slap in our most noise cancelling headphones and blast some 90's rap without a care in the world. Unfortunately we do not live in my version of a perfect world, so we have to take the precautions needed in order to get home safe & sound. In all seriousness I know this can be a tough topic because of how many women have been murdered just trying to do what they love, but it is EXTREMELY important that we talk about these topics.

When the hard topics aren't brought up is when we are adding fuel to the fire. By talking about runners safety and the very real issues that we as runners have to deal with we are shining a bright light on the topic and saying "HEY WE ARE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS."

1. Take a Self Defense Class

I (Coach Erin) just took a self defense class at an all female gym here in Atlanta. It was a safe space to talk about the scary topics and practice things that they were teaching. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to be prepared. I found this class through a google search and gave them a call to learn more about to class to make sure it was what I was looking for. Reach out if you need help finding one in your area-we are HAPPY to look with you to find a class that you feel comfortable in!

2. Share Your Route with a Friend or Family

Let someone know your running route and expected return time. This simple step can be crucial in case of an emergency. I also share my location with my husband (and a lot of my friends, let's be real). He periodically checks where I'm at to make sure I am still moving and i'm on the route I said I would be on. Just knowing that someone is monitoring me (even in the middle of the day) adds a sense of comfort.

3. Be Visible

Visibility is key, especially during low-light conditions. Wear bright or reflective clothing and consider accessories like LED armbands or clip-on lights. If you're running on the road, face traffic so drivers can see you, and you can react if necessary. Some people have fancy light up gear, I literally got a construction workers vest off of amazon, remember it doesn't have to be fancy to work!

4. Run without Headphones

I know that sounds terrible to a lot of you, but truly, once you get used to running with no music it's kind of peaceful (and keeps you more alert to things that feel or seem off)

5. Carry Protection

This can mean a lot of different things, some people carry a taser, pepper spray, or even (if you are licensed and feel comfortable) a firearm. There is no RIGHT answer here. It truly it what YOU feel comfortable with. I personally carry Go Guarded ring knife and if I'm running in the dark I add some pepper spray. Go guarded has a few different options of things to carry and I haven't heard a single bad review.

6. Stay Updated on Local Alerts

Be aware of local advisories, including wildlife sightings on trails, road closures, or reports of suspicious activity in your area. Social media and community forums can be good resources for such updates.

7. Run with a Group or a Friend

There are SO many run groups these days (we LOVE that everyones in on our secret now), pop in with a run group. There is safety in numbers! If running groups aren't your thing see if a friend or family member will run with you.

None of this is sponsored so just know that any recommendation we give you guys, WE are using as well!

Stay safe out there & know that we are here if you have any questions or feedback on things that you have used in the past that you want to share!

-Coach Mich & Coach Erin

Do you typically run with protection? If so, what do you use?

  • Knife

  • Pepper Spray

  • Firearm

  • Other


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Feb 14

I LOVE my go guarded!

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